For the past 2 years it has been difficult to obtain financing to purchase homes. With more governmental requirements and stricter guidelines the pros...
Leaving money on the table?
Another way of saying this is, I want to sell my property for the highest price and minimize my cost so that I can get the maximum amount of dollars. ...
What’s in a name
We all grew up buying products from a name brand. There were no internet avenues to get customer feedback or ratings. If you had a Sears sewing machin...
A Glass Half Full, Feng Shui, life lesson
Many of us (me too) have seen a glass half full or half empty. I was attending an open house one day and the agent that was holding the open house kep...
I Remember Sugar Land When
I moved to Sugar Land 25 years ago. The old police station was literally a one horse station. The grocery store had wood floors that were grooved at t...
The Morning Coffee Chat
Have you ever been sitting around the water cooler or the coffee dispenser in the morning before starting work and listen to one of your co workers co...
The world through the eyes of a practicing Realtor
Last night I had to stay awake until midnight to make sure that I followed the strict adherence to the contractual agreement. As Licensed Real Estate ...
Matt’s Mindful Moments
The word mindful is defined as keeping aware. Are you aware of what going on around you in the world of Real Estate? Are you aware of the current lend...