Communication Breakdown
There is an old Led Zeppelin song called communication breakdown. I don’t remember the words but I do remember the great guitar licks. In today&...
Heights Area
Heights area close in....
It not just a job it’s an adventure
It not just a job it’s an adventure. Sounds like an Army commercial. It could be applied to many careers but it probably fits best for a Real Es...
How to purchase a home; the easy and best way.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to purchase a home. You just need some sound advice from qualified professionals and the rest is eas...
Do you need to pay a property manager?
This is what has happened in the past seven days. A man owns a couple of properties and one has been vacant for the past 12 months. He calls me often ...
Can we make this any harder?
For the past 2 years it has been difficult to obtain financing to purchase homes. With more governmental requirements and stricter guidelines the pros...
Leaving money on the table?
Another way of saying this is, I want to sell my property for the highest price and minimize my cost so that I can get the maximum amount of dollars. ...
What’s in a name
We all grew up buying products from a name brand. There were no internet avenues to get customer feedback or ratings. If you had a Sears sewing machin...
A Glass Half Full, Feng Shui, life lesson
Many of us (me too) have seen a glass half full or half empty. I was attending an open house one day and the agent that was holding the open house kep...